Backdated entry on Saeed's seizure attack
1st November 2012, 3 a.m
Malam tuh mcm biasa aku tido ngan amin n saeed kat bawah. Tetiba dalam kul 3 pagi aku rasa badan Saeed menggigil..
aku : kenapa saeed? saeed sejukke?
Saeed : saeed sejuk ummi
aku pun peluk dia and masa tuh air cond pun dah auto off. so, aku just amik selimut and selimutkan saeed. then dia start merengek kata sejuk.. bila aku rasa badan dia panas. cam demam.. check suhu dalam 36+ so, aku pun amik sweater utk dia pakai.. baru dia tido balik..
lepas tuh, Zhafrah pun dah start merengek2 nak susu.. so, aku terus susukan zhafrah.. masa tuh hubby pun dah bgn.. aku bgtau dia yang saeed demam.. so, kiteorg decide nak bawak gi klinik pagi tuh.. dalam kul 4am, saya terjaga balik.. aku yg masih susukan zhafrah suh dia tido.. dia nangis2 nak aku baring sebelah dia.. aku iakan ajer.. just bgtau kejap lagi ummi baring..
tetiba, aku tgk saeed dok hentak2 kepala smbl muka tertumpu kat bantal.. aku bgtau hubby suh tlg tgkkan.. bila hubby pusingkan badan saeed, muka saeed dah naik biru.. aku terus jerit.. saeed kena sawan nih bang.. hubby cam clueless tak tau nak buat apa.. so, aku terus letak zhafrah kat atas katil and dukung saeed masuk dlm toilet.. masa tuh teringat org kata kalau budak kena sawan mandikan terus.. tapi aku cam was2 sbb tak betul2 study.. so, aku just basahkan muka and kepala saeed.. tapi takde respons.. badan dia dah lembik and saeed just diam and mata pun tak berkelip.. aku ajak hubby gi hospital.. hubby kejutkan maid kiteorg suh jagakan amin n zhafrah..
dalam keter aku dah tak dapat tahan air mata.. sedih n takut.. tak putus2 aku doa n baca ayat2 quran.. sambil tuh aku try 'kejut'kan saeed.. hubby suh letak sthing kat mulut takut dia ketap gigi.. lepas aku letak kayu penggaru baru saeed start nangis.. smp jer SDMC, aku berlari smbl bgtau nurse yg saeed kena sawan.. nurse pun terus suh letakkan dia atas katil.. bukakkan baju dia and lap badan dia ngan air.. masa tuh badan saeed menggigil lagi macam dia sejuk.. still no respons.. nurse check suhu dia dah 38+... diaorg masukkan ubat bontot untuk turunkan suhu..
lepas tuh, saeed tertido.. kadang2 merengek.. aku just duduk sebelah dia.. pegang tangan dia and make sure suhu dia tak naik lagi.. bila saeed sedar, dia diam jer.. tak nak bercakap pun.. risaunya aku masa tuh.. puas kiteorg bercakap dgn dia.. langsung takde respons.. yg buat aku tersentuh, masa aku cakap2 dgn dia, tetiba dia angkat tangan pegang muka aku.. without words.. but in his eyes aku rasa dia nak bgtau yg dia sakit.. sedih masa tuh hanya Allah yg tahu.. sampai sekarang kalau aku terkenang saat2 tuh mesti aku menangis..
hubby try ajak saeed borak.. siap bukak you tube tunjuk kartun boboiboy.. masa nmpk boboiboy baru dia bercakap.. tergelak kami tgk gelagat dia.. doktor in charge datang check saeed n kata maybe dia kena sawan sbb suhu tinggi sangat.. so, tak perlu risau sbb bukan sawan tahap serius.. doktor tanya nak admit ke atau nak duk umah.. kiteorg opt to admit, sbb takut kena lagi, so, at least kat hospital boleh dapat rawatan cepat..
dalam kul 6 lebih, baru selesai urusan admission kami. hubby terus balik umah, amik barang and aku temankan saeed.. alhamdulillah lepas tuh saeed dah ok.. maybe sbb diaorg bagi medicine on time. malam tuh, aku n hubby sama2 temankan saeed kat hospital.. amin n zhafrah terpaksa tido ngan maid kami... doktor kata kalau semua ok, besok dah boleh discharge...
pagi tuh saeed dah bertambah sihat.. dah back to normal.. so, bolelah discharge, tapi disbbkan doktor lambat.. lepas solat jumaat baru selesai urusan discharge.. itu pun dah nak kul 4 baru abis.. pagi tuh mak and bapak mertua aku datang ziarah.. hubby pun bawak amin datang tgk saeed.. riuh rendah bila dua beradik nih jumpa.. masa hubby n bapak mertua aku gi solat jumaat.. tinggallah kiteorg berempat.. kebetulan kami tertido kejap.. tetiba saeed kejutkan aku tunjuk tangan dia berdarah2.. terkejut betul aku.. rupa2nya dia bukak sendiri tube kat tangan dia.. abis darah menitik2 dalam bilik.. aku terus lari keluar jerit mintak tolong ngan nurse.. kelam kabut sekejap masa tuh.. ramai nurse dtg kerumun saeed, diaorg kata darah yg jatuh tuh darah dalam tube jer.. so, diaorg letak plaster jer kat tgn saeed.. yg kelakarnya masa nurse tanya kenapa saeed bukak bandage tuh.. dia boleh jawab.. saeed bukak sbb nak main game.. heheh.. rupa2nya dia tension tak dapat main ipad.. dua2 tangan dah kena balut..

info on seizures
lepas aku study, sawan yg saeed kena is classified as absence seizure which bukan jenis yg tarik2 tuh.. tapi the whole body jadi lembik
Epilepsy Seizure Types and Symptoms
Based on the type of behavior and brain activity, seizures are divided into two broad categories: generalized and partial (also called local or focal). Classifying the type of seizure helps doctors diagnose whether or not a patient has epilepsy.
Generalized seizures are produced by electrical impulses from throughout the entire brain, whereas partial seizures are produced (at least initially) by electrical impulses in a relatively small part of the brain. The part of the brain generating the seizures is sometimes called the focus. The most common types of seizures are listed below:
Generalized Seizures (Produced by the entire brain) | Symptoms |
1. "Grand Mal" or Generalized tonic-clonic | Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity |
2. Absence | Brief loss of consciousness |
3. Myoclonic | Sporadic (isolated), jerking movements |
4. Clonic | Repetitive, jerking movements |
5. Tonic | Muscle stiffness, rigidity |
6. Atonic | Loss of muscle tone |
Generalized Seizures
There are six types of generalized seizures. The most common and dramatic, and therefore the most well known, is the generalized convulsion, also called thegrand-mal seizure. In this type of seizure, the patient loses consciousness and usually collapses. The loss of consciousness is followed by generalized body stiffening (called the "tonic" phase of the seizure) for 30 to 60 seconds, then by violent jerking (the "clonic" phase) for 30 to 60 seconds, after which the patient goes into a deep sleep (the "postictal" or after-seizure phase). During grand-mal seizures, injuries and accidents may occur, such as tongue biting and urinary incontinence.
Absence seizures cause a short loss of consciousness (just a few seconds) with few or no symptoms. The patient, most often a child, typically interrupts an activity and stares blankly. These seizures begin and end abruptly and may occur several times a day. Patients are usually not aware that they are having a seizure, except that they may be aware of "losing time."
Myoclonic seizures consist of sporadic jerks, usually on both sides of the body. Patients sometimes describe the jerks as brief electrical shocks. When violent, these seizures may result in dropping or involuntarily throwing objects.
Clonic seizures are repetitive, rhythmic jerks that involve both sides of the body at the same time.
Tonic seizures are characterized by stiffening of the muscles.
Atonic seizures consist of a sudden and general loss of muscle tone, particularly in the arms and legs, which often results in a fall.
Partial Seizures (Produced by a small area of the brain) | Symptoms |
1. Simple(awareness is retained) a. Simple Motor b. Simple Sensory c. Simple Psychological | a. Jerking, muscle rigidity, spasms, head-turning b. Unusual sensations affecting either the vision, hearing, smell taste, or touch c. Memory or emotional disturbances |
2. Complex (Impairment of awareness) | Automatisms such as lip smacking, chewing, fidgeting, walking and other repetitive, involuntary but coordinated movements |
3. Partial seizure with secondary generalization | Symptoms that are initially associated with a preservation of consciousness that then evolves into a loss of consciousness and convulsions. |
Partial Seizures
Partial seizures are divided into simple, complex and those that evolve into secondary generalized seizures. The difference between simple and complex seizures is that during simple partial seizures, patients retain awareness; during complex partial seizures, they lose awareness.
Simple partial seizures are further subdivided into four categories according to the nature of their symptoms: motor, autonomic, sensory, or psychological. Motor symptoms include movements such as jerking and stiffening. Sensory symptoms caused by seizures involve unusual sensations affecting any of the five senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, or touch). When simple partial seizures cause sensory symptoms only (and not motor symptoms), they are called "auras."
Autonomic symptoms affect the autonomic nervous system, which is the group of nerves that control the functions of our organs, like the heart, stomach, bladder, intestines. Therefore autonomic symptoms are things like racing heart beat, stomach upset, diarrhea, loss of bladder control. The only common autonomic symptom is a peculiar sensation in the stomach that is experienced by some patients with a type of epilepsy called temporal lobe epilepsy. Simple partial seizures with psychological symptoms are characterized by various experiences involving memory (the sensation of deja-vu), emotions (such as fear or pleasure), or other complex psychological phenomena.
Complex partial seizures, by definition, include impairment of awareness. Patients seem to be "out of touch," "out of it," or "staring into space" during these seizures. There may also be some "complex" symptoms called automatisms. Automatisms consist of involuntary but coordinated movements that tend to be purposeless and repetitive. Common automatisms include lip smacking, chewing, fidgeting, and walking.
The third kind of partial seizure is one that begins as a focal seizure and evolves into a generalized convulsive ("grand-mal") seizure. Most patients with partial seizures have simple partial, complex partial, and secondarily generalized seizures. In about two-thirds of patients with partial epilepsy, seizures can be controlled with medications. Partial seizures that cannot be treated with drugs can often be treated surgically.