A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap

Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child

Holding a newborn baby is such a wonderful feeling eventhough it's for the third time

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million

The sweetest flowers in all the world - A baby's hands

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


tensionnyerr!! plan to celebrate birthday yg terburu2.. last2 tersilap booking hotel yg takde sijil halal. pas booking baru teringat nak check kat website JAKIM and proven hotel tuh takde lagi sijil halal. kad kredit dah dicaj n booking cannot be cancelled. kalau cancel pun, without refund. iskkk... napalah tak check dulu!!.. call hotel n diaorg kata diaorg tgh dlm proses mohon sijil, tapi lom dapat result lagi. mintak bagi informal result pun takde.. so, last choice terpaksa postpone ke tarikh lain.. memandangkan amik bday package, so the nearest and available is masa bday hubby on oct nnt.. and the hotel is Gold Coast Morib.. to my geng, nasib baik kita tak jadi buat reunion.. kalau tak rugi jer booking smp 8 bilik!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


draft posting semlm ter'replace' dgn file lain pulak. nihlah bahayanya kalau menulis kat notepad. bukan apa,mmg slalu type jer kat notepad, pastuh baru paste kat blogspot.. isk.. tension..tension..


alhamdulillah, we'll be 5 this year. pregnancy kali ini amat mencabar fizikal dan mental.. bed ridden for almost 2 weeks.. tak boleh makan, muntah every time masuk makanan even air pun.. nasib baik tak kena warded. dr siti kata ' you're still ok, tak dehydrated sgt cuma you feel miserable jer' YES, indeed really really miserable. kesian kat anak2 yang terpaksa makan masakan maid for almost a month. smp amin duk tanya bila ummi nak sihat, dah rindu ummi masak.. sian anak ummi.. huhu utk aku pulak, makanan ruji dah berubah jadi bihun sup wahid, yes, only bihun sup wahid yer.. bihun sup lain taknak! bila wak tutup gerai, mulalah aku lembik balik.. after 4 months men'derita' akhirnya tekak dah boleh terima nasi dan mknn sewaktu dgnnya.. tapi masih lagi tak de selera and memilih food jugak.. kadang2 mkn sesuap dah tak boleh masuk langsung.. except homecooked dishes.. yg nih slalu laju jer mkn. nasib baik mak ada, lehlah mintak masak mcm2 hehe


my little boy yg dah tak berapa little started his kindergarten this year.. amat teruja dan bersemangat nak g sekolah.. amat rajin buat keje sekolah.. kalau kuar weekend, mesti mintak beli buku/magazine utk dia colouring/practise writing.. dlm keter tak abis2 menulis.. dah boleh tulis nama sendiri, ummi, abah n saeed.. i'm really proud of you my dear!! cuma kadang kesian tgk dia keletihan.. 7 days a week (yes, weekends too) dia kena bgn pagi.. weekends will be his tahfiz class at masjid kg baru, kl. start end of nov last year and sekarang dah hampir 9 surah dia berjaya hafal.. not bad for a 5 y.o boy..yg bagusnya amin nih mmg minat nak belajar.. so, tak payah susah2 nak paksa dia study..


anak manja ummi yang makin comel n manja.. alhamdulillah, dapat breastfeed saeed smp 2 thn lebih. dah petah bercakap, mengalahkan amin.. he learn a lot from his big bro.. nmpk lembut tapi sebenarnya agak ganas.. slalu amin yg kena pukul dgn dia.. tapi bila cakap alamak.. cairlah ummi.. hehe


still at the same place.. i really need a change!! sapa nak tukar suka sama suka??


just went for our first holiday this year.. yup! langkawi again.. for the third time.. one thing yg kiteorg perasan, every time g langkawi mesti aku pregnant hehe.. utk trip yg ke 3, rasa cam dah bosan sket.. byk tpt dah gi, n we just repeat the place semata2 sbb saeed tak pernah smp lagi.. overall.. so-so tapi sonok sbb tak yah keje hehe

can't wait for our first oversea holiday to hong kong this may.. sambut birthday kat sana hehe.. mcm2 dh terpk nak beli.. cuma tak tahu murah ke idak barangnya.. kalau baby tak sembunyi2 girlke boy, bolehlah belikan baju baby sket.. kalau tak tunggu smp kuarlah baby yer...