A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap

Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child

Holding a newborn baby is such a wonderful feeling eventhough it's for the third time

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million

The sweetest flowers in all the world - A baby's hands

Friday, May 20, 2011

Voucher Munawwarah

To those yg minat dgn tudung munawwarah and planning to buy, bolehlah amik voucher dgn saya.. Every purchase you made for tudung will entitle you to have free tudung.. meaning, kalau beli 1 free 1, beli 2 free 2 and so on.. voucher ended next week on 23/5/2011. bolehlah gi beli weekend nih... :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

eTiQa Contest

This will be my first contest since i started blogging.. to those who want to join.. pls read the terms & conditions carefully :)

1. Copy this code to your website and put it at your blog sidebar

2. Make an entry about this giveaway. Please include below code

3. Leave comment in this post with your entry link.
The winner will be chosen by number of visitors coming from your blog during the contest period And the prizes will be First:
Jusco Voucher RM50
Cloth Diaper (Autumnz - Minky Snap Button - Moo Moo Cow White) with 2 inserts

worth of RM39.90
Airflex Feeding Bottle 260ml/9oz worth of RM30.00
Mothercare Prewalker Shoe Size 4 (12cm) worth of RM28.00

Apart from above prizes, if any of the visitors that visited our blog and subscribes to eTiQa's policy, we'll give extra rewards to the referral.
Contest period : 29th March - 15th May 2011

So, hurry up and submit your entry!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Alhamdulillah, rezeki 2011

Hubby's remark 'satu lagi perubahan besar dlm hidup kita'

Alhamdulillah, rezeki kami tahun ini melimpah ruah.. Allah berikan kemudahan dan kesenangan bagi kami.. setelah menunggu hampir 6 bulan, akhirnya pembantu rumah kami sampai dgn selamat di Msia. Panjang citer kalau nak story kat sini proses2, kesulitan dan halangan yg kami hadapi utk dapatkan maid nih.. yg penting dia boleh jaga anak2 kami dgn sempurna.. alhamdulillah, orgnya boleh berbahasa melayu.. pernah keje diMsia membuatkan dia tak susah nak sesuaikan diri dgn cara hidup kami.. cuma basic rules tuh kenalah ajar jugak.. so far so good.. budak2 pun suka dgn dia.. dan aku bersyukur sgt2 ada org yg tolong buat kerja rumah. schedule tiap2 ari dah berubah.. aku bgn 5.30am, utk masak bfast n lunch budak2... balik keje masak dinner.. yg lain semua Fatimah tolong... yg tak bestnya, hubby dah komen 'dah kuranglah peluang nk dapat pahala.. tinggal pahala memasak jerlah' errmm.. tersentak jugak.. mmg betullah kata hubby tuh..